News & Articles

Entry To Thailand

  1. After the receipt of COE, please prepare the additional documents to declare at the check-in counter as follows 1.1 Passport and valid Thai visa/ re-entry permit (if required) 1.2 Certificate of Entry (COE) 1.3 Fit to Fly Health Certificate. (Thailand’s...

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Visa Renewals – Covid 19 Requirement

Courtesy of Richard Barrow BEM & Tom Thompson IMPORTANT: According to this document published in the Royal Gazette, the Immigration law for Section 12 (4) and Section 44 (2) has been changed to include the need for the foreigners to have a #COVID19 test done in...

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Breast Cancer In Women

What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, with many women diagnosed with breast cancer each year. It occurs when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally. These cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells do and continue to...

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Insurance Requirements To Enter Thailand

The insurance required for a foreigner wanting to enter Thailand has changed dramatically since COVID 19 was unleashed upon the world earlier this year. From a very laissez – faire attitude where there was no insurance requirement, suddenly in March 2020 it was...

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Golfer’s Indemnity Insurance

When it comes to injuries, amateur or professional golf players should be protected. The insurance covers self-inflicted injuries, liability to bodily harm or property damage inflicted to third-person, and damages to golf equipment. We also offer special bonus if you...

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Business Interruption Insurance and Covid-19

Business owners all over the world are seeking advice on insurance to see if any of the cover they presently have will cover them against losses incurred because of C19. Business Interruption Insurance (BII) covers a company for loss of income during periods when it...

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