Key Person cover is a kind of insurance that shields companies financially in the event that one of their key employees passes away or develops a serious disease. It is crucial because, in the event of a key employee’s death, it can enable organisations to carry on with operations. By not having it, a company may die itself.

Without going too far into the general insurance territory, there are a number of choices that can assist self-employed and small corporate clients (as well as their own enterprises) – such as business interruption insurance or employer liability cover. Depending whereabouts in the world you are, these tools can include employee ownership trusts, applicable life insurance, key person replacement or profit protection, share protection, business loan protection, and employee ownership.

For every business owner, having key person cover is essential. Covering the important corporate decision-makers can be vital to the long term survival of the company.

In terms of key person protection, senior decision-makers must be able to provide for their own financial needs in the event that they are unable to work and must be able to fairly recompense their family and the other stakeholders in the event that they pass away or are unable to continue in that capacity.

If someone who is essential to the continued success of the business goes away (for whatever reason), keyman insurance pays out a lump sum in cash.

It can serve as a safety net against revenue declines, safeguard an outstanding debt, investment, or funding, pay for the expenses associated with finding and onboarding a successor, or for any other purpose your company deems appropriate such as getting in a temporary replacement whist a permanent one is found.

Also, corporate tax exemption is usually available for key person insurance premiums since the insurance is meant to safeguard your organisation.

The premiums paid by a business for key person insurance, which protects an employee, are usually deductible from business income and qualify for corporation tax relief. This is so that the company can compensate for losing that important employee, rather than the individual benefiting from the payoff.

It is crucial that those working in the firm are aware of what would be required in the event of a death in the family or a long-term illness, as well as how this will affect the business. While it may be possible to replace that individual, the loss of that person’s expertise, abilities, contacts, and many other factors will always have a bigger impact on the company’s valuation and earnings.

It is no exaggeration to say that a company’s ability to exist may well depend on its key person cover.

For more information please go to our website or contact Macallan Insurance Broker at:
T. 038 427 904/5
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